Licensed PTP Services

Licensed Point-To-Point Engineering Services
Licensed PTP Services

Licensed PTP Services

As Microwave Radio Technology continues to grow, the complexity of Designing, BoM creation, Configuring and Integrating networks becomes that much more complex. The Engineering Team of Winncom has the knowledge, experience, and manufacturer certifications to assist you in every step of building your networks.

Whether the needs of your Licensed PTP network is All-Outdoor, Split-Mount, or All-Indoor. With Ring, Star, Chain Network designs, Winncom Engineers can assist with evaluation of your projects, and create path calculations.

Once the BoM has been decided, let our team expedite the process with our 3 varied levels of equipment support. From basic SW upgrade and License configuration to a more in depth configuring and link acceptance. We can ultimately Kit the equipment and palletize for individual installation sites.

Winncom consulting services have you covered

Winncom assists our clients with the design of the most efficient RF coverage distribution possible within the scope of your DAS project. Winncom consulting services have you covered during the entire spectrum of the project and beyond staying true to our promise of:









WPSS-PTP-DSG – Licensed PTP Network Design, per link

Price: $50.00 per link

The Supervisor walks around the warehouse and uses a tablet to check on goods for shipment

Information Required:

  • Customer’s information and project name
  • Heights and size limitations of antennas
  • Structure e.g. tower, building, water tank, etc.
  • Coordinates
  • Frequency band preferred
  • Throughput desired
  • Reliability desired
  • Preferred manufacturer


  • Select planning tool e.g, PathLoss, LinkPlanner
  • Import all customer provided information
  • Enter site coordinates and mounting heights
  • Import terrain and clutter data
  • Select frequency band appropriate for the path distance
  • Select dish size to meet customer requirements
  • Produce path calculation reports
  • Produce BoM (Bill of Materials)

WPSS-LPTP-UPD – Licensed PTP Link Software Update, License Installation, per link

Price: $150.00 per link

Telecommunications antenna against cloudy sky in the background

Information Required:

  • Software release version
  • License key coordination
  • Product serial number, documentation


  • Process license key via manufacturer
  • License key installation and verification
  • Download and install required software version
  • Repackage radio for shipping

WPSS-LPTP-CFG – Licensed PTP Link Pre-Configuration* (includes WPSS-LPTP-UPD), per link

Price: $350.00 per link

* No QoS configuration other than VLAN management is included. QoS can be configured if requested, there will be additional charges based on the depth of QoS and data provided.

Warehouse worker presenting the results of project development to the team

Information Required:

  • IP Scheme from the customer
  • PCN Information e.g., frequency, ATPC, polarity, etc.
  • Software release version
  • License key coordination
  • Product serial number, documentation


  • Process license key via manufacturer
  • License key installation and verification
  • Download and install required software version
  • Login and configure the radio IP address, usernames and passwords (if requested)
  • Program for in-band/out-of-band management
  • Program microwave equipment per PCN coordination
  • Repackage radio for shipping

WPSS-LPTP-STG – Licensed PTP Link Staging* (includes WPSS-LPTP-CFG), per link

Price: $500.00 per link

* No QoS configuration other than VLAN management is included. QoS can be configured if requested, there will be additional charges based on the depth of QoS and data provided.

Telecommunication mast antennas with wireless technology tools

Information Required:

  • IP Scheme from the customer
  • PCN Information e.g., frequency, ATPC, polarity, etc.
  • Software release version
  • License key coordination
  • Product serial number, documentation


  • Process license key via manufacturer
  • License key installation and verification
  • Download and install required software version
  • Login and configure the radio IP address, usernames and passwords (if requested)
  • Program for in-band/out-of-band management
  • Program microwave equipment per PCN coordination
  • Bench test microwave links to ensure proper RF and network connectivity
  • Label the radios with the site names and IP addresses (customer provided)
  • Repackage radio for shipping

Get in touch

Are you interested in learning more about Licensed PTP Services? Please fill out your contact info, and our sales team will get back to you right away with more details!

Send us a message