Druid Software

Druid Software is a cellular core network software company based in Ireland. Since 2000, Druid has become a global leader in Private 5G Networks, Private 4G and LTE Networks.
Druid Software

About Druid Software

Druid’s cellular solutions for business are built on its Raemis™ technology platform. Raemis™ is a set of cellular software assets originally crafted by Druid’s engineers and optimised for business use cases. The Raemis™ platform harnesses 5G, 4G, 3G, 2G and Wifi radios from any vendor to implement standalone cellular core network solutions. It also integrates with mobile network operators using standard interfaces giving access to all of the radio resources of these operators.


Private Cellular 5G SA, NSA, 4G/LTE Networks



Mobile Edge Computing

Mobile Edge Computing

Internet of Things

Internet of Things

Public Safety

Public Safety

Great deals on wireless products.

Fixed Wireless Access: 4G LTE & 5G Mobile Broadband

As of 2019, in the US only 63% of rural homes and 56% of lower income homes have access to highspeed broadband. As the demand for data connectivity grows, the digital divide is widening, leaving millions at risk of falling behind their peers. WISPs play a critical role in addressing this risk.

Private Mobile Networks for Enterprise and Campus Communications

If your employees need to be mobile across your premises or work on the go, you need to think beyond traditional network boundaries. Go further with a dedicated corporate mobile network and mobile solutions that your staff can rely on indoors, outdoors and all around your building(s).

Get in touch

Are you interested in learning more about Druid Software? Please fill out your contact info, and our sales team will get back to you right away with more details!

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