Tarana Wireless

We’ve spent a decade inventing a whole new wireless technology that delivers fiber-class broadband at a fraction of the deployment time and cost of fiber.
Tarana Wireless

Welcome to Broadband Reinvented

Most of the world still has inadequate access to fast, affordable broadband service. Closing this “digital divide” – present even in many developed economies (including the US) – is ever more urgent, as evolving modes of work, education, commerce, health care, and entertainment increase dependence on great connectivity.

The divide persists because everything in the current access network toolbox has attributes that limit application scope. Fiber delivers great speeds but is costly and slow to deploy reliably outside of high-density markets that are a small fraction the world’s problem. Mobile networks serve smartphones well but rarely have the capacity to support many active households, which regularly consume 50x more traffic than a single smartphone user. Fixed wireless access (FWA) networks based on indoor Wi-Fi tech are initially easy to deploy but are severely limited by obstructions and unlicensed interference at scale. Exciting new LEO satellite networks are excellent for remote locations without infrastructure but will not have (even when fully deployed) enough capacity to serve mainstream markets.

Recognizing the massive global scale of the opportunity to address these challenges, in 2009 Tarana’s founders embarked on a mission to design and develop an entirely new wireless broadband technology from scratch – completely rethinking air interface design, multi-antenna architecture, real-time signal processing algorithms, interference cancellation, custom ASICs, antenna intricacies, and cloud management. A dozen years and over $300M of investment later, our novel Gigabit 1 (G1) platform is now delivering a truly unique combination of reliable fiber-class access with the ease of macro-scale wireless deployment. G1 is the world’s first instance of next-generation FWA, powered by a number of industry firsts in radio network performance, interference cancellation, and cloud-based automation.

We’ve built our platform company on a foundation of passion for deep innovation and tight focus on getting great things done. Our results speak for themselves: we’ve grown from 0 to over 180 customers in our first year of G1 sales, with hundreds more in the pipeline, including companies across the full spectrum of the industry – fiber builders, WISPs, and incumbent broadband providers – connecting businesses and consumers alike. We’ll collaborate with anyone working to make the digital divide a thing of the past. That’s our enduring mission – that’s Tarana!

Industry Firsts

We’ve built our platform company on a foundation of passion for deep innovation and tight focus on getting great things done.







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